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Top Computer Scientists in Sweden - H-Index Ranking

Per Stenström – Medic Rehab AB. Per Stenström. Leg. sjukgymnast, OMT steg III examen. 070 222 29 63. 036 299 12 12. pelle@medicrehab.se.

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Det finns en person folkbokförd på denna adress, Pär Stenström (48 år). List of computer science publications by Per Karlström. refinements active! zoomed in on ?? of ?? records.

Search for Per Stenström's work. Search Search. Home Per Stenström.

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IEEE 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-1160-1 List of computer science publications by Johan Rasmusson. You can help us understand how dblp is used and perceived by answering our user survey (taking 10 to 15 minutes).

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Duplicate citations. M Ekman, F Dahgren, P Stenstrom. Proceedings of the international symposium on Low power electronics and Per Stenstrom Low utilization of on-chip cache capacity limits performance and wastes energy because of the long latency, limited bandwidth, and energy consumption associated with off-chip memory Per Stenström is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. Contact him at per.stenstrom@chalmers.se. IEEE Account Per Stenström. Search for Per Stenström's work.

Check out our newly published textbook in Computer Architecture Per Stenström is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology. Contact him at per.stenstrom@chalmers.se. IEEE Account Per Stenström.
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In Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Computer Architecture, pp. 3--14, June 1998.

Info. Per Stenstrom is professor at Chalmers University of Technology. His research interests are in parallel computer architecture.
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Ulf Assarsson - dblp

MEP 9118 Staffan Stenström · Wake Up In The Mor .. 1970 AAA Cornelis Vreeswijk · Felicias Svenska S .. 1978. DBLP 002  + Maintain attribution The Google "watermark" you see on each file is essential P. rectum Dblp. BL Ronneby. K. O. E. Stenström, Värmländska Archieracier.

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Per Stenström studies Software Design, Information Theory and coding, and Malmö. Authors: Mehrzad Nejat, Madhavan Manivannan, Miquel Pericas, Per Stenstrom (Submitted on 12 Nov 2019) Abstract: An effective way to improve energy efficiency is to throttle hardware resources to meet a certain performance target, specified as a QoS constraint, associated with all applications running on a multicore system. DBLP - CS Bibliography Authors: Mehrzad Nejat, Madhavan Manivannan, Miquel Pericas, Per Stenstrom that dynamically adjusts the size of the per-core last-level Per Stenstrom The goal of this project was to get insides how digital libraries are used and if and how caching can help to reduce access latencies.

Per Stenström joined Northstream in 2005 and has a broad experience in managing high impact sourcing and strategy projects in the telecom industry. Per’s key focus has been heading the Strategy practice at Northstream which includes sales, overseeing the strategy projects and managing the methodology development. Per Stenström – Medic Rehab AB. Per Stenström. Leg. sjukgymnast, OMT steg III examen. 070 222 29 63. 036 299 12 12. pelle@medicrehab.se.