Seminarieserien Take Off - UU Innovation - Uppsala universitet



When it’s time for your annual checkup, your doctor will probably order some routine blood tests to check basic health indicators like white and red blood cell counts, cholesterol levels and blood glucose level — also known as your blood su The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a U.S. law that was developed by the Department of Health and Human Services and passed by Congress in 1996. It wasn’t until April 14, 2003, though, that it came into effect PHRASAL VERBIf you take off or take yourself off, you go away, often suddenly and unexpectedly. eg: He took off at once and headed back to the motel. Feb 26, 2018 Definition of I'm going to take off. ''I'm leaving'' He took off when he saw her ----> he left when her saw her.

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Deduct, decrease, as in He took 20 percent off the original price, or I want you to trim my hair, but please don't 3. Carry or take away, as in The passengers were taken off one by noun. a taking or setting off; the leaving of the ground, as in leaping or in beginning a flight in an airplane. a taking off from a starting point, as in beginning a race. the place or point at which a person … The point or place from which one takes off. 3. Informal An amusing imitative caricature, parody, or burlesque.

I took it off of the table. |out- you put something outside off- removing something Takeoff definition, a taking or setting off; the leaving of the ground, as in leaping or in beginning a flight in an airplane.

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To leave the ground and begin flight; to ascend into the air.. take of take [sth] off, take off [sth] vtr + adv (lid, etc.: remove) rimuovere⇒, togliere⇒ vtr verbo transitivo o transitivo pronominale: Verbo che richiede un complemento oggetto: "Lava la mela prima di mangiarla" - "Non mi aspettavo un successo così grande" You have to take off the foil capsule before you can open the bottle of wine. take off | takeoff: Inglés: Español: take off for [sth] vi phrasal + prep (plane: start flying to) despegar con destino a loc verb locución verbal: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como verbo ("sacar fuerzas de flaqueza", "acusar recibo").


Synonyms for takeoff include caricature, parody, send-up, spoof, travesty, burlesque, put-on, rib, cartoon and comedy. Find more similar words at! Meaning. Phrasal verb/idiom: take off after someone. to chase or suddenly move to follow someone who just left a place; Example sentences — I took off after the woman who was in front of me in the checkout line because she forgot to take her credit card with her. — My three-year-old takes off after me anytime I leave one room and go to another.

What does took off expression mean?
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Synonyms and related words. take off (from work) take off (one's) hat (to someone or something) Take Off / Go Around. Take off a Leg. take off after. take off after (someone or something) Take Off and Die. Take Off And Die Syndrome. Take Off and Landing Coordinator.

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4 tr (of a disease) to prove fatal to; kill. 5 tr. Informal to mimic or imitate, esp. in an amusing or satirical manner.

English and Swedish Pocket-dictionary: Eller Engelskt Och

tr. 1. To get into one's hands, control, or possession, especially: a. To grasp or grip: take your partner's hand. take off meaning: 1. If an aircraft, bird, or insect takes off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly: 2.

Offt göra en annans Toßla ; officiera . and on , än bättre , än sämre .