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Confirm that the com port of your PIN Pad matches the “Com Port” in the test application window… EMVUSClient Test Application User Guide Datacap’s EMVUSClient™ Test application Datacap’s EMVUSClient™ Test application is intended for development and troubleshooting purposes only. It is not designed to be used by merchants or for processing live payments outside of a POS application and must not be used for this purpose. Scroll down to view this guide or […] Datacap client/server configuration Datacap can be configured in many ways, such as installing components on separate machines, installing multiple components on a single machine, or installing a single component on multiple machines. 2016-09-08 · Note: Adding an EMV Parameter Download is a requirement for integration with Datacap's dsiEMVUS® control. OR Use Datacap’s EMVClientTest Application for troubleshooting purposes only: Open Datacap’s EMVUSClient Test application and make sure “Tran EMV” radio button in the bottom right hand corner is selected (see screenshot below). Download IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture for free.

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