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By H I Sutton The wreck of wartime British submarine HMS P311 has finally been found by Italian divers near the island of Tavolora in Sardinia. She was lost with all hands between 30th December 1942 and 8th January 1943 while undertaking Operation PRINCIPLE. 2020-02-11 · The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) is a commonly accepted measure of market concentration. It is calculated by squaring the market share of each firm competing in a market and then summing the h-Index An author-level measure, which calculates the value h based on h papers, each of which has been cited in other papers at least h times i10-Index An author-level measure, which counts the number of publications with 10 or more citations (only used in Google Scholar) The H+T Index offers an expanded view of affordability, one that combines housing and transportation costs and sets the benchmark at no more than 45% of household income. When transportation costs are factored into the equation, the number of affordable neighborhoods drops to 26%, resulting in a net loss of 59,768 neighborhoods that Americans can truly afford.

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Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. The Prevost Car H3-45, part of the H-Series, is a 45-foot motorcoach sold in Canada and the United States.It is noticeably longer than its shorter counterparts, the H3-40 and H3-41.The H3-45 has five luggage bay sized panels between the wheels whereas the shorter models only have four. By H I Sutton The wreck of wartime British submarine HMS P311 has finally been found by Italian divers near the island of Tavolora in Sardinia. She was lost with all hands between 30th December 1942 and 8th January 1943 while undertaking Operation PRINCIPLE. Your reference for Swiss watches since 1963.

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Nummerupplysning, karta, kontaktuppgifter och mycket mer. Hitta.se är en av Sveriges största hemsidor och ett utmärkt val för dig som letar efter information om personer, företag, platser och vägbeskrivningar. The h-index should not be used to rank authors who are in different disciplines or those at different stages of their careers. Available metric sources: The h-index can be manually calculated, or you can retrieve it from Google Scholar , Scopus , or Web of Science h-index สะท้อนทั้งปริมาณและคุณภาพของผลงานวิจัย ปัจจุบัน มีการคิดค้นดัชนีหลายตัวเพื่อบ่งบอกถึงคุณภาพของงานวิจัยนะครับ ในตอนนี้ เราจะมาดูค่า h The H-index, which has since become triumphant, had not yet been invented. It didn't stay that way.

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Article Google Scholar. Garfield, E. (1963), Science Citation Index. Science Citation Index 1961, volume 1,  22 Nov 2019 To calculate your h-index, sort the games you have played by number of 47 Comments Hide Show Comment 45 previous comments View  IDEAS/RePEc H-Index for Journals Rank, Journal, Factor, Adjusted citations 149, Journal of Mathematical Economics, Elsevier, 45, 17798, 2320, 20248. Medline index, the current calculated 2012 JIF is.
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Levels of tumour necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6 in severely ill patients with  Citations, 916, 464. h-index, 15, 12. i10-index, 23, 16 F Åström, J Hansson. Journal of Librarianship and information Science 45 (4), 316-322, 2013. 79, 2013​. He has over 100 publications listed, including 3 books, his H-index is 20 and his publications have collected over 1300 Article has an altmetric score of 45.

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