Aram I - Swedish definition, grammar, pronunciation, synonyms and


1 Moseboken 48 NUB – Genesis 48 NIV Biblica

•. 11 Paddan Aram. Paddan Aram. •. 92. 1:10 Now playing  7När jag kom från Paddan Aram, dog Rakel ifrån mig i Kanaans land medan vi ännu var en bit från Efrata. Jag begravde henne där invid vägen till Efrata.” Efrata  She writes: “This inappropriateness is pronounced if marriage is to function as -287- wife Rebekah, daughter of Bethuel the Aramean of Paddan-aram, sister of  H:fors 1850.

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. . Mahn-a-wau-kie Indicate pronunciation of a foreign term within parentheses, roman, no quotes. Use small caps to  в Месопотамию (то есть «Междуречье»), в Паддан-Арам. Way up to Mesopotamia (meaning, “Land Between Rivers”) to Paddan-aram.

Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce Padan-Aram in Hebrew with native pronunciation.

Genesis 48,1 Mosebok 48 NIV;SVL - Manasseh and Ephraim

The verb פדה ( pada) describes a letting go of an old standard (say, phonetic spelling) and assuming a new one (standardized spelling). The new standard may appear more restrictive at a personal level but it allows a much greater precision and thus basin of exchange and thus liberty at the collective level. PADDAN-ARAM. pad'-an-a'-ram or p.-ar'-am (paddan 'aram; Septuagint Mesopotamia tes Surias; the King James Version Padan-aram): In Genesis 48:7, Paddan stands alone, but as the Septuagint, Sam, and Peshitta read "Aram" also, it must in this verse have dropped out of the Massoretic Text.


Rebecca - Meaning in Hindi, what is meaning of Rebecca in Hindi dictionary, pronunciation, Rebecca's father was Bethuel the Aramean from Paddan Aram, also called Aram-Naharaim. Rebecca's brother was Laban the Aramean, and she was the granddaughter of Milcah and Nahor, De Geyn.jpg An image of Judah from the Phillip Medhurst Collection of Bible Illustration Native name יְהוּדָה‬ Pronunciation Yəhuda Born 1566 BCE (15 Sivan, AM 2195) Paddan Aram Died 1448, 1447, 1438 or 1437 (AM 2314 or AM 2324) Resting place maybe in Yehud, Israel 32.030797°N 34.887616°ECoordinates: 32.030797°N 34.887616°E Children Er (son) Onan (son) Shelah (son) Perez (son Paddan, Paddan-ARAM pă’ dən, pă’ dən âr’ əm (פַּדַּ֖ן אֲרָ֑ם, field or plain of Aram) KJV PADAN, PADAN-ARAM.The area of Upper Mesopotamia around Harran, upstream of the junction of the Rivers Euphrates and Harbur (Gen 25:20; 28:2; 31:18).The tribes called Arameans are first mentioned by the Assyrian king Shalmaneser I about 1300 b.c Padan-aram or Paddan Aram (Aramaic for Field of Aram), an early Aramean kingdom in Mesopotamia See more at Padán (, Hungarian pronunciation: ) is a village and municipality in the Dunajská Streda District in the Trnava Region of south-west Slovakia. Jacob stopped at night on his journey to Paddan Aram. Feb 16, 2021 · 1 min read “Your descendants will be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring.” The Biblical Paddan-Aram (Genesis 25, 28), “Aram of the fields”, or Aram-Naharaim, has been associated with the area of Harran and was the source of wives for the Patriarchs Isaac and Jacob. The etymology of Paddan-Aram, has been even identified with Tell Fidan [1], … Padan-aram (pā´dən-ā´răm), in the Bible, that part of Aram [1] that lay in the Euphrates valley; it was the homeland of the Patriarchs.

Listen to the audio pronunciation of Padan-aram on pronouncekiwi. Hur ska jag säga paddan-aram i Engelska? Uttal av paddan-aram med 3 ljud uttal, 1 innebörd, 3 översättningar, och mer för paddan-aram. Paddan Aram or Padan-aram (Aramaic: פדן ארם ‎) was an early Aramean kingdom in Mesopotamia. Paddan Aram in Aramaic means the field of Aram .
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he laughs; laughing  This is an authorized Web site of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is a research tool for publications in various languages produced by Jehovah's Witnesses. עֵדָה Pronunciation Table אֱלֹהִים, אֱלוֹהִים Pronunciation Table around the desert via the northern "Fertile Crescent" route (via Paddan Aram,  Furthermore, in Judg 12:6, a difference in the pronunciation of In Genesis 31, Jacob and his family depart Paddan-Aram secretly, in fear of Laban. When.

Paddan-Aram seems to have been either identical with, or included within, the area of Aram-Naharaim and is described by Abraham as "the land of my birth" to which he sent his servant to find a wife for Isaac (24:4, 10; 25:20).
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paddan - Swedish definition, grammar, pronunciation, synonyms

Gamla testamentets Aram motsvarar det nuvarande Syrien och delar av angränsande länder. Sammansättningen Aram Naharaim, ”de två flodernas Aram” betecknar det nordliga området mellan floderna Eufrat och Tigris och namnet Paddan Aram har ungefär samma syftning. Ytterligare en rad arameiska stadsstater nämns i Bibeln: [5] Bit-Bahiani Paddan-Aram. Das Wort Paddan wird als „Pflug“ oder „Feld“ gedeutet, daher nimmt man an, dass sich der Name auf fruchtbares Land bezieht, vielleicht auf Mesopotamien. Aram Maacha. Maacha ist im 1.

paddan - Swedish definition, grammar, pronunciation, synonyms

If you have suggestions or requests for other biblical pronunciations, please email 2021-04-06 Guia de pronunciació: Aprèn a pronunciar Paddan-aram a Hebreu com un natiu. Traducció en en Català de Paddan-aramE PADDAN (Padʹdan) [plain, flatland]. The shortened form of “Paddan-aram” (Gen. 35:9; 48:7); apparently the same as the “field of Syria [Aram].”(Gen.

pad'-an-a'-ram or p.-ar'-am (paddan 'aram; Septuagint Mesopotamia tes Surias; the King James Version Padan-aram): In Genesis 48:7, Paddan stands alone, but as the Septuagint, Sam, and Peshitta read "Aram" also, it must in this verse have dropped out of the Massoretic Text. In the time of Abraham, padanu occurs on the Babylonian PADDAN-ARAM (Heb. פַּדַּן אֲרָם), place mentioned only in Genesis and prominently associated with the lives of the Patriarchs. Paddan-Aram seems to have been either identical with, or included within, the area of Aram-Naharaim and is described by Abraham as "the land of my birth" to which he sent his servant to find a wife for Isaac (24:4, 10; 25:20). This free audio Bible name pronunciation guide is a valuable tool in your study of God’s word. Click the PLAY button below to hear how to pronounce Aram . There is also a phonetic guide to use to see the proper pronunciation of Aram .