Livsmedelsverkets rapportserie


Bruksvallarnas Rökeri AB - Livsmedelsverket

840 40. SVENSTAVIK. Alen. Mikrobiol.

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840-SLV8. Lampe fluocompacte Sylvania ML E27 18W/840. E-No: 946175222; EAN: 5410288247816; type: Minilynx Fast-Start T3 20W / 8; marque: Feilo Sylvania  MASTER TL5 HE 35W/840 SLV/40. This TL5 lamp (tube 840 [ CCT of 4000K]. Luminous Flux (Nom) Datasheet, 2020, June 8 data subject to change.

<5. 1200.

LYSRÖR TL5 49W/840HO STD-PACK - Lysrör - Ahlsell

<5. 1200. 44. 37.

Märkning - Svenska Ägg

Sensorstyrd LED-pendellampa Lavigo DPP 9000/840 / R med digitalt dimbar elektronisk ballast förkoppling LED-pendellampa SLV LED-reflektor GU10 AR111 13 W 30° 2 700 K Arcchio Nabor LED-downlight 36° 2 700 K 8,2 W. Innen-Lampe SLV HELIA 50 Leuchte Indoor-Lampe Aluminium Weiß Lampe innen, Weiß L&L Lampenschirm oval weiß.Dulux D/E OSRAM 13w 840 G24q-1 4  11, 8, 0005540, FKKJ 4X16/16, 175, m, x, - 0 kr. 12, 9, 0005550 256, 253, 8343242, MASTER TL5 HO 49W/840 SLV/40, 80, st, x, - 0 kr.

91. 13. 171. 345.
Seb bank spärra kort

37. Grönsaksbl, fryst: ärter, majs, paprika, Findus. 390. <5 spår.

(12 NC) 927923884014 SAP net weight (piece) 199.900 g ILCOS code: FD-70 MASTER TL5 HE 35W/840 SLV/40. Suggestions < Back to product family. MASTER TL5 HE 35W/840 1SL/40 Specifications Downloads High efficient fluorescent lighting.
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SL1 and SLV pumps - RSK Databasen

640-SLV8. 680-SLV8. 720-SLV8. 800-SLV8. 840-SLV8. Lampe fluocompacte Sylvania ML E27 18W/840. E-No: 946175222; EAN: 5410288247816; type: Minilynx Fast-Start T3 20W / 8; marque: Feilo Sylvania  MASTER TL5 HE 35W/840 SLV/40.

LED NORMAL 75 KLAR 8W/840 E27 - Bellalite White Logotyp

720-SLV8. 800-SLV8. 840-SLV8.

(12 NC) 927929584057 SAP net weight (piece) 128.700 g ILCOS code: FDH Philips TL5 HE 28W 840 - 115cm lamps are mainly used in factories as workfloor lighting, as enhancement or in corridors. Reviews This product is considered Excellent based on 8 reviews of people who have bought this product. Philips TL5 HE neon lights are fluorescent tubes that provide a high light output and an excellent flux maintenance. These lamps are very efficient and will save you energy. These tubes are compatible with an electronic ballast. With a length of 145 cm, Philips TL5 HE 35W 840 - 145cm have a G5 base type.