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BMC Geriatrics - Research Outputs - Lund University

Aims and scope. Speed. Responsiveness Average. Time from submission to first decision after peer review, 6 weeks. Time to immediate reject  BMC Geriatrics is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the health and healthcare of older people,  See BMC Geriatrics journal impact factor, SJR, SNIP, CiteScore, H-index metrics.

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BMC Geriatrics: highlights of 2017. As 2018 begins we take a look back at some of the most interesting research published in the journal in 2017. As the average life expectancy has increased to its highest ever level, geriatrics-focused research is now more important and prevalent than ever before. LetPub Scientific Journal Selector (2018-2021), BMC Geriatrics published in 2001, ENGLAND. BMC Geriatrics IF is decreased by a factor of 0.07 and approximate percentage change is -2.27% when compared to preceding year 2017, which shows a falling trend. The impact factor (IF), also denoted as Journal impact factor (JIF), of an academic journal is a measure of the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal.

BMC Geriatrics is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the health and healthcare of older people, including the effects of healthcare systems and policies. The journal also welcomes research focused on the … Providing global visibility for its open-access research articles, BMC Geriatrics delves into all aspects of the health and healthcare of older people, BMC provides a free open access funding support service to help authors discover and apply for article processing charge funding.

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BMC Geriatrics, Springer 2020, Vol. 20. Öhlin, Jerry; Ahlgren, Anders; Folkesson, Robert; et al. 2020. The association of depression with subsequent dementia  Giraff diskuteras i BMC Geriatrics Maintenance of communication is important for people with dementia living in long-term care.

BMC Geriatrics - Lunds universitet

Privacy Policy · Cookie Policy · Disclaimer · Terms &  Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 61, 87. 7. Neurobiology of BMC Geriatrics, 50, 68.

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Open Access. Research article. Health status transitions in community-living elderly with complex care needs: a latent class approach.

BMC Geriatrics. ISSN. 1471-2318. Ytterligare sökbara ISSN (elektroniska), 1471-2318.
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Research articles Geriatrics - Department of Public Health and

Search. Volumes and issues. Volume 21 December 2021. December 2021, issue 1; Volume 20 October - December 2020. December 2020 BMC, United Kingdom Manuscripts accepted in English LCC subjects Look up the Library of Congress Classification Outline Medicine: Internal medicine: Special situations and conditions: Geriatrics Keywords geriatrics aging Scope BMC Geriatrics is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the health and healthcare of older people, including the effects of healthcare systems and policies. Articles from BMC Geriatrics are provided here courtesy of BioMed Central. Support Center Support Center.

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Boston Medical Center (BMC), the academic teaching hospital affiliate of Boston University, is the main teaching site of the two ACGME-accredited Boston University Geriatrics Fellowships: Geriatric Medicine and Geriatric Oncology. BMC Geriatrics is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the health and healthcare of older people, including the effects of healthcare systems and policies. BMC Geriatrics is an open access journal publishing original peer-reviewed research articles in all aspects of the health and healthcare of older people, including the effects of healthcare systems and policies. BMC Geriatrics Login Unsupported Browser. The Web browser that you are using may not provide an optimal experience and may limit the use of some features.

The purpose of  the disease: An exploratory, cross-sectional study. Springer. January 2016; BMC Geriatrics 16(1). DOI: 10.1186/s12877-016-0210-9. Authors:.