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As one of the most successful designs in history, the appeal of the vessel is not its basic equipment, but its modular ability to take an extraordinary amount of modifications and alterations. YT-1300 Stock model hull Modified Millennium Falcon hull YT-1300 Clone Wars era variant hull (no stat change) - Custom engine sound - Added Quad laser turret - fixed the issue where the radar would create an energy weapon impact effect when fired. - Pirates have a chance to spawn in a YT-1300 hull Property: Value: Name: YT-1300 Chassis Blueprints: Category: Ship Chassis: Skill Needed: Master Shipwright: Complexity: 43 - Requires Specialized Crafting Tool and Private Crafting Station In any case, a YT-1300a would be for the starboard mounted cockpit, while a YT-1300b would be for the port sideand YT-1300c for the center. A few oddball YT-1300 custom designs were also produced by West End games where the cockpit was moved to the hub, rear, underslung, port AND starboard, and so on, but none of them have a letter suffix since they were after factory modifications.

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These can be fired from the cockpit, but with greatly reduced accuracy. The YT-1300 also has two proton torpedo launchers mounted between the sensor forks at the front of the ship to deal with light to medium freighters. Jan 1, 2019 - The Seventh Moon is a "near stock" central-foreword cockpit variant of the YT-1300 light freighter. The modifications are relatively light: triple bunk YT-1300 Seventh Moon YT-1300 light freighter Millennium Falcon Plans LED sign perfect as a gift for a Star Wars geeks.

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Pak jsou tu lodě, které dokáží skvěle nahánět hrůzu. A pak je tu YT 1300 naprosto oby WDFLAT is an online platform for streamers, with amazing elements for Twitch and Youtube Gaming – Stream Overlay, Twitch Panels, Twitch Offline, Youtube Banner, Logo Esports, and more others. All templates are Free! Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. LOCATION & DATE :FranceMai 2015 GEAR :A quadcopter : Omen 410 (custom frame, carbon and aluminium)Motors : Quanum 2217 800kV Speed controllers : Afro ESC One of the most interesting features in the book is an image of alternate customizations and configurations YT-1300 customers could make if they purchased the ship.
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Here’s that page, exclusive The YT-1300 came in three different configurations: a port-mounted cockpit, a starboard-mounted cockpit, and a centrally mounted cockpit (the last of which became standard in the YT-1930 design).

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But, you are correct, the YT-2000 does feature the centrally mounted cockpit.