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dispuso cerrar todas las puertas he ordered all the doors to be shut. Translation for 'disponer' in the free Spanish-English dictionary and many other English translations. English Translation. provide. More meanings for disponer.

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dispuso la sala para el concierto he prepared the hall o he got the hall ready for the concert. disponer la mesa to lay the table. 3 (=mandar) 3.1 [persona, comisión] to order. [juez] to rule, decree, order. dispuso cerrar todas las puertas he ordered all the doors to be shut. Translation for 'disponer' in the free Spanish-English dictionary and many other English translations. English Translation.

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Learn more in the Cambridge Spanish-English Dictionary. Translations in context of "disponer" in Spanish-English from Reverso Context: disponer de, necesario disponer, debe disponer, deben disponer, la necesidad de disponer … disponer definition in the Spanish definition dictionary from Reverso, disponer meaning, see also 'disponerse',disperso',disponible',dispersión', conjugation, Spanish vocabulary disponer de (also: tener, haber, contar con, tomarse, cargar, chutarse, contar, disfrutar, gastarse, parir) volume_up.

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More meanings of disponer, it's definitions, example sentences, related words, idioms and quotations. disponer la mesa to set the table ; intransitive. disponer de poseer to have, have at one's disposal no dispongo de tiempo libre - I don't have any free time utilizar to make use of ; to dispose of quería disponer de la empresa - she wanted to dispose of the business reflex.

What does disponee mean? (law, Scotland) The person to whom any property is legally conveyed. (noun) dispose definition: 1. to make someone feel a particular way towards someone or something: 2. to make someone feel a…. Learn more. Engelsk översättning av 'disponera' - svenskt-engelskt lexikon med många fler översättningar från svenska till engelska gratis online.
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warning Request revision. En Europa necesitamos disponer … Translate Disponer de. See 3 authoritative translations of Disponer de in English with example sentences and audio pronunciations.

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Learn disponer in English translation and other related translations from Spanish to English. Discover disponer meaning and improve your English skills! 2020-09-04 · (law) One who dispones, or takes over legal authority.··manager disponer vtr verbo transitivo: Verbo que requiere de un objeto directo ("di la verdad", "encontré una moneda"). (derecho: decidir algo) be decreed, be stipulated v aux + v past p : No se ha dispuesto nada nuevo en la demanda. ⓘ Esta oración no es una traducción de la original.

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Translate Disponer. See 9 authoritative translations of Disponer in English with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. Need to translate "disponer de" from Spanish?