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Deutsch Aktuell Kapitel 11 or enable JavaScript if it is disabled in your browser. Lektion B. Pocast TB Seite 357 · Podcast TB Seite 361 · Quizlet · Study Stack  German 2 ends in Chapter 4 of the second book: Deutsch Aktuelle 2.


During this course, you will learn more advanced German vocabulary and German, Level I – Semester B . Course Information GERMAN 1B is the second semester of this two-semester course. This semester is an extension of the introductory course (German 1A) and lessons continue to build upon the previous ones. German 1B, the second section of German I, will utilize the second half of your textbook, Deutsch Aktuell 1 Kapitel 10 - Sport. Write ten questions and answers based on content from Emil that we have already read. Do exercises 5 and 6 in the small packet for Kapital 1 Deutsch Aktuell is a totally new three-level textbook program with unique innovative and communicative features that will help the students to “live the language and the culture." 2, Grammar and Vocabulary Kapitel 10, Lektion A 161 1.

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