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Iz•ves•ti•a (iz ves′ tē ə, Russ. iz vyes′ tyi yə), USA pronunciation. n. (formerly) the official newspaper of the Soviet government.

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IPA : [ɪzˈvʲesʲtʲɪjə] Proper noun . Изве́стия • (Izvéstija) n inan pl (genitive Изве́стий, plural only) Izvestia ("The News"), a long-running high-circulation daily newspaper in Russia.
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Information and translations of Izvestia in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. What is the meaning of Izvestia? How popular is the baby name Izvestia? Learn the origin and popularity plus how to pronounce Izvestia Izvestia (Russian: Известия, IPA: [ɪzˈvʲesʲtʲɪjə], "The News") is a daily broadsheet newspaper in Russia.It was a newspaper of record in the Soviet Union from 1917 until the dissolution of the USSR in 1991.

How do you say Izvestia? Listen to the audio pronunciation of Izvestia on pronouncekiwi Izvestia definition, (formerly) the official newspaper of the Soviet government.
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Like Dionysos (see Greeks), Bacchus is associated predominantly with female followers (in Greek, these were known as maenads) and is also traditionally accompanied by goat–man satyrs (see chimera Izvestia - your guide to pronouncing this word, brought to you for free by uPronounce.

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Pronunciation . IPA : [ɪzˈvʲesʲtʲɪjə] Proper noun . Изве́стия • (Izvéstija) n inan pl (genitive Изве́стий, plural only) Izvestia ("The News"), a long-running high-circulation daily newspaper in Russia. Declension Izvestia definition, (formerly) the official newspaper of the Soviet government.

Pratyeka, prau, Prausnitz-Küstner reaction, Pravachol, pravastatin, Pravda, prawn  J, *j** [Called 'jay', rhyming with say, to match the pronunciation of K. In ScoE, often rhymes with high, to match the pronunciation of I]. The 10th LETTER [1] of the  the transformation of Izvestia into the leading ideologue of capitalist reforms.