Publications in Condensed Matter Theory, KTH Theoretical


scientific branch applied physics - IFM - Linköping University

2008-07-30 Abstract and Figures Hubbard model is an important model in theory of strongly correlated electron systems. In this contribution we introduce this model along with numerically exact method of 2011-02-19 DOI: 10.19026/RJASET.6.3517 Corpus ID: 14141701. Exact Diagonalization of the Hubbard Model: Ten-electrons on Ten-sites @article{Kingsley2013ExactDO, title={Exact Diagonalization of the Hubbard Model: Ten-electrons on Ten-sites}, author={Onaiwu N. Kingsley and Okanigbuan O. Robinson}, journal={Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology}, year={2013}, … 1993-03-08 2011-08-22 3 The Hubbard dimer: solution by exact diagonalization As a first example we consider the Hubbard model on a dimer H= t X ˙ cy 1;˙ c 2;˙ + c y 2;˙ c 1;˙ + X2 i=1 n i;"n i;#: (13) This can be solved by exact diagonalization , i.e., by constructing a basis of the entire Hilbert space, setting up the Hamilton matrix in this basis and diagonalizing it. 2013-03-07 Exact Diagonalization of the Hubbard Model in 2-D. This repository contains the MATLAB code to perform exact calculations of the imaginary-time correlation functions of the Hubbard model in two dimensions. The Hubbard model is widely believed to be the model that describes high-temperature superconductivity. 2009-01-24 We present a powerful method for calculating the thermodynamic properties of the Hubbard model in infinite dimensions, using an exact diagonalization of an Anderson model with a finite number of We take the Bose-Hubbard model to illustrate exact diagonalization techniques in a pedagogical way.

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In this contribution we introduce this model and the concepts of electron correlation by building on a tight binding model. After enumerating various methods of tackling the Hubbard model, we introduce the numerical method of exact diagonalization in detail. Finite temperature electronic and magnetic properties of small clusters are investigated in the framework of the Hubbard model by using exact diagonalization methods and by sampling the different cluster topologies exhaustively. Results are discussed for the specific heat C(T), magnetic susceptibility χ(T), local magnetic moments μi(T), average magnetic moments $\\overline\\mu_N(T)$ and spin Se hela listan på 2021-03-24 · Exact Diagonalization of the Hubbard Model in 1-D This repository contains the MATLAB code to perform exact calculations of the imaginary-time correlation functions of the Hubbard model in one dimension. The Hubbard model is widely believed to be the model that describes high-temperature superconductivity. 2012-05-31 · We show that the full many-body excited-state structure of AGNRs can be obtained by an exact diagonalization of the Hubbard Hamiltonian using a small crystal approach. A limited number of sites is required to probe selectively the most relevant reciprocal space points for the density of states and optical properties of AGNRs.

from the experimental data, we rely on exact-diagonalization results from studies of a square 32-site Hubbard model.11 Work on the more physically plausible. 7 Mar 1994 dimensional Hubbard-type models using an exact diagonalization of an Anderson model with a finite number of sites.

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From these contexts, if infinite computational resources are permitted, the exact diago- An exact diagonalization package for a wide range of quantum lattice models (e.g. multi-orbital Hubbard model, Heisenberg model, Kondo lattice model). HΦ also supports the massively parallel computations.

Publications in Condensed Matter Theory, KTH Theoretical

Exact Diagonalization of the Hubbard Model: Ten-electrons on Ten-sites @article{Kingsley2013ExactDO, title={Exact Diagonalization of the Hubbard Model: Ten-electrons on Ten-sites}, author={Onaiwu N. Kingsley and Okanigbuan O. Robinson}, journal={Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology}, year={2013}, … 1993-03-08 2011-08-22 3 The Hubbard dimer: solution by exact diagonalization As a first example we consider the Hubbard model on a dimer H= t X ˙ cy 1;˙ c 2;˙ + c y 2;˙ c 1;˙ + X2 i=1 n i;"n i;#: (13) This can be solved by exact diagonalization , i.e., by constructing a basis of the entire Hilbert space, setting up the Hamilton matrix in this basis and diagonalizing it. 2013-03-07 Exact Diagonalization of the Hubbard Model in 2-D.

225, 128 (2018).
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In this contribution we introduce this model and the concepts of  An exact diagonalization package for a wide range of quantum lattice models ( e.g. multi-orbital Hubbard model, Heisenberg model, Kondo lattice model). The finite-size corrections in exact diagonalization studies of the one- and two- dimensional Hubbard model can be reduced systematically by a grand-canonical   Using the set of basis state described above, we can construct the Hamiltonian matrix H for the Hubbard model. The problem of finding the ground state of the 20   The Exact Diagonalization method is a powerful numerical tool to study Quan- J and Hubbard models using exact diagonalization (ED) and quantum Monte.
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Igor Di Marco - Uppsala universitet

arXiv:cond-mat/9306057v1 28 Jun 1993 Exact Diagonalization Approach for the D = ∞ Hubbard Model Michel Caffarel∗,+ and Werner Krauth∗∗ ∗ CNRS-Laboratoire de Physique Quantique1 IRSAMC 2011-02-19 · We take the Bose-Hubbard model to illustrate exact diagonalization techniques in a pedagogical way. We follow the road of first generating all the basis vectors, then setting up the Hamiltonian matrix with respect to this basis, and finally using the Lanczos algorithm to solve low lying eigenstates and eigenvalues. We take the Bose-Hubbard model to illustrate exact diagonalization techniques in a pedagogical way. We follow the road of first generating all the basis vectors, then setting up the Hamiltonian matrix with respect to this basis, and finally using the Lanczos algorithm to solve low lying eigenstates and eigenvalues.

‪Piotr Sierant‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

Hubbard model is an important model in the theory of strongly correlated electron systems. In this contribution we introduce this model and the concepts of  By exactly diagonalizing the Hubbard model for ten electrons on ten sites in a one-Dimensional (1D) ring, we extend the study of Jafari (2008) to more than two   Finite-temperature exact diagonalization cluster dynamical mean-field study of the two-dimensional Hubbard model: Pseudogap, non-Fermi-liquid behavior,. We present results for ground-state properties of the two-dimensional 2D Hubbard model and an evaluation of the specific heat for the 1D and 2D Hubbard model. Using conservation laws (symmetries) for block-diagonalization. H. We can choose For the special point J2/J1=0.5, this model has an exact solution. H = N . ∑.

Using conservation laws (symmetries) for block-diagonalization. H. We can choose For the special point J2/J1=0.5, this model has an exact solution. H = N . ∑. 25 Jan 2014 and Exact Diagonalization.