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Agera Energy, LLC Files Chapter 11 Protection, Enters Into
Oct 4, 2019 Retail energy supplier Agera Energy LLC filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and entered an agreement to sell its assets to Constellation View Agera Energy (www.ageraenergy.com) location in New York, United States , revenue, industry and description. Find related and similar companies as well Agera Energy, Briarcliff Manor, New York. 674 likes · 39 were here. Agera Energy is a leading supplier of electricity and natural gas; serving both Agera Energy is a utility company specializing in electricity and natural gas supply services. Agera Energy aims to be your guide, educating and empowering our Information on acquisition, funding, investors, and executives for Agera Energy. Use the PitchBook Platform to explore the full profile.
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Today Agera Energy is one of the leading residential energy suppliers, operating in all deregulated states and serving 1.8 million customers. I am a broker for Agera Energy. I receive monthly commissions from Agera Energy in the amount exceeding 10,000 per month. For three of the last four months, Agera has been late paying those 43 Agera Energy reviews. A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees. Debtors. Case No. Debtor 19-23802 Agera Energy LLC 19-23803 Agera Holdings, LLC 19-23804 energy.me midwest llc 19-23805 Aequitas Energy, Inc. When Glacial went bankrupt, Platinum helped spin its assets into a new, similar company, Agera Energy LLC. Briarcliff Manor, New York-based Agera has been an investment of the Beechwood group of Aera Energy LLC (or simply Aera) is a natural gas, oil exploration and production company jointly owned by Shell Oil Company and ExxonMobil headquartered in Bakersfield, California.
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I receive monthly commissions from Agera Energy in the amount exceeding 10,000 per month. For three of the last four months, Agera has been late paying those 43 Agera Energy reviews. A free inside look at company reviews and salaries posted anonymously by employees.
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Nu kan du bli energioberoende året om med hjälp av lokala naturresurser som omvandlas till värme och energi. Denna svenska innovation gör det för första gången möjligt för svenska hushåll att producera egen el och värme. 2019-10-04
Agera Energy said on Friday it had filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and had agreed to sell its retail assets to Constellation, a unit of Exelon Corp. The bankruptcy protection has been
I am a broker for Agera Energy. I receive monthly commissions from Agera Energy in the amount exceeding 10,000 per month. For three of the last four months, Agera has been late paying those
When Glacial went bankrupt, Platinum helped spin its assets into a new, similar company, Agera Energy LLC. Briarcliff Manor, New York-based Agera has been an investment of the Beechwood group of
Since then, Agera Energy LLC, the Platinum-backed company that inherited Glacial’s customers, has quintupled in value, according to the person familiar with the hedge fund firm.
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The bankruptcy protection has been I am a broker for Agera Energy. I receive monthly commissions from Agera Energy in the amount exceeding 10,000 per month.
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674 likes · 39 were here. Agera Energy is a leading supplier of electricity and natural gas; serving both residential and commercial customers across the 2019-10-04 Agera Energy LLC is located in Briarcliff Manor, NY, United States and is part of the Electric Power Transmission, Distribution & Marketing Industry. Agera Energy LLC has 100 total employees across all of its locations and generates $228.33 million in sales (USD). There are 5 companies in the Agera Energy LLC corporate family. Agera Energi, Gävle. 100 gillar.
Website: www.ageraenergy.com. 2.