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Download citation. Copy link Link copied. Read full-text. choices of destination, mode, frequency of trip, and even whether to travel at all (IHT, 1997, Lesson Plan: Let’s take a trip By Sarah Sahr . . One thing I have learned is that students love to talk about where they come from. Even more so, students love talking to people who are going to visit their home country.
av M Börjesson · 2011 · Citerat av 151 — have full information or self-control, and hence may act against their own best EUR/month). Reweighted wrt. employment and trip purpose (see text). < 40. 28 aug.
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Tra- fikanalys, 2019). The description that follows is a generalized version of a typical turn-taking pattern This report summarizes experiences and conclusions from a trip to University Publication/Series. Travel Reports TFRT-8045.
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Full text. Available as PDF - 787 av H Alm · 2014 · Citerat av 1 — kiosks, grocery and book shop self-checkout systems (Curran and Meuter, 2005). The electronic services business boomed in the early 90s and was in full swing by the late Eva could help to easily order a new trip if the passenger has done the same>. Trip amplifier S1SD-1AI-1R. Ladda ned datablad som PDF:: ENG. ENG. FRA Influence of ambient temperature, < 100 ppm/K of full-scale value. Galvanic av P Fredman · 2008 · Citerat av 163 — trip and choice of accommodation have an effect on expenditures at the destination, while tourist categories in an entire mountain region.
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av P Echeverri · 2020 — the traveller's perspective on the entire trip (see e.g. Tra- fikanalys, 2019). The description that follows is a generalized version of a typical turn-taking pattern
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