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You wish to confirm the credibility of your argument by enlisting the support of an authority on your topic. Learn how to incorporate other people's ideas into your own writing! You should also use a comma when you introduce a quotation with a phrase such as "According to Thoreau." 3. Make the quotation a part of your own sentence without any punctuation between your own words and the words you are quoting. However, if you are quoting a piece of a sentence or phrase, then you wouldn’t need to start with capitalization, like this: She said, “ Here’s an example of a sentence that should start with a capital letter.
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Pop quiz: Does the question mark go inside or outside of the quotation mark? Well, the answer is, it depends. Take a look at Betsy’s quotations: “How can you eat a tuna sandwich while hoisting a piano?” Betsy asked as […] Quoting Words and Parts of Sentences. Although you generally want to avoid using too many short quotes when you write, there are times when you need to quote just a word or a phrase as a part of your own sentence.
The original author is correctly cited. One phrase that is often used to introduce a quotation is: According to the author, . .
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Signal Phrases: Verbs to give context Select verbs that will give readers more context for a quote or paraphrase Verbs to introduce a fact/statement: states, writes, mentions, adds, points out, notes, comments, finds, observes, discusses, expresses, considers, explores, illustrates Verbs to introduce views the author disagrees with: That is, use single outer, double inner quotation marks for a quote within a quote. Example: ‘Are you crazy?’ said Caitlin. ‘When you said “Commas don’t matter,” I died a little inside.’ What about if you have a quotation inside a quotation inside another quotation?
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You can add information to a quotation in order to define a word or phrase, to clarify the quotation's information, or to make a brief comment on the quotation's information. The information that you add always should be brief; reserve your major comments on the quotation's information to be placed after the quotation ends. A signal that a quotation is coming—generally the author’s name and/or a reference to the work An assertion that indicates the relationship of the quotation to your text Often both the signal and the assertion appear in a single introductory statement, as in the example below.
The text is identical to the original. For example, a character in a story may quote someone else aloud.
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Nested quotes follow a hierarchical structure of alternating between double quotation marks and single quotation marks. For up-to-date guidance, see the ninth edition of the MLA Handbook.
The citations for quotes include page numbers when applicable. Quotation with author in signal phrase: According to Soria, “ Zaboomafoo, a fictional lemur who teaches children about wildlife, starred in his
To indicate short quotations (four typed lines or fewer of prose or three lines of verse) in your text, enclose the quotation within double quotation marks. Provide the author and specific page citation (in the case of verse, provide line numbers) in the text, and include a …
Quoting Passages Using MLA Style Over the course of your academic career, there will be times when you are required to quote the words of others in your writing.
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They're used with verbs that deal with communication: to say, to hear, to write, to read, and also with thoughts: to think, to feel, to plan, to predict. Sometimes, they're also used without verbs at all. Quoting … 2014-09-24 MLA requirements for quoting a phrase with exclamation marks.
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A signal that a quotation is coming—generally the author’s name and/or a reference to the work An assertion that indicates the relationship of the quotation to your text Often both the signal and the assertion appear in a single introductory statement, as in the example below.
In less formal situations, italics or underlining often work as well. 2020-09-03 · Use quotes to highlight a specific phrase.