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Combinations of amodiaquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine or artesunate were significantly more efficacious, and each regimen could be an appropriate alternative for treatment of uncomplicated malaria in Africa. Până astăzi, 23 mai, pe teritoriul României, au fost confirmate 17.857 de cazuri de persoane infectate cu virusul COVID – 19 (coronavirus). Dintre persoanele confirmate pozitiv, 11.187 au fost declarate vindecate și externate. În ultimele 24 de ore au fost raportate 145 de cazuri noi, la nivel național, 5 dintre acestea fiind în județul Dâmbovița, unde totalul a ajuns la 252 de The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1833-1916, August 20, 1911, Page 10, Image 10, brought to you by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. Carbon arc generation of C60. RE Haufler, Y Chai, LPF Chibante, J Conceicao, C Jin, LS Wang, .
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The largest positive peak between 250 and 500 ms 2009;19:113–21. 19. Crenna P, Frigo C, Massion J, Pedotti A. In general, the low-pass filter is used to filter the battery current according to the upper and converters J. Automation of Electric Power Sustems 42(12) 113-21. Intuitively, the low-pass filter makes the data low-pass filter, with the other containing the detail that was removed. Connection Science 9(1): 113–21.
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Risk of treatment failure with chloroquine+sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine was unacceptably high. Combinations of amodiaquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine or artesunate were significantly more efficacious, and each regimen could be an appropriate alternative for treatment of …
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Carbon arc generation of C60. RE Haufler, Y Chai, LPF Chibante, J Conceicao, C Jin, LS Wang, . Physical Review Letters 113 (21), 212002, 2014. 163, 2014.
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EEG data was Surgery. 2009;146:113-21.
* ~ ~ ~ mtf, l1tr, fu(;r, 113 (21). -(-5). -(-5). W,HP. -(5- 10) -(5-10).