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The operator should complete the ‘Operator Manual (OM) Part A, Section 7 Para Reference’ column, if a requirement is not applicable to your This should be under ORO.FTL 110 Operator Responsibilities. While the EASA has no policy, the FAA dose have a 1-phone call rule. The Airline may try once during any rest to period to contact the CM, the CM may cite that the rest period has now been broken and the they … If the FDP is extended due to in-flight rest according to ORO.FTL.205(e), or to split duty according to ORO.FTL.220, the 6 hours of paragraph (6) and (7) are extended to 8 hours; 9. 2015-02-07 NAA Questions of understanding Feb 2014 EASA Explanatory Note to Decision 2014/002/R CS-FTL 1 EASA Q&A-on-new-EU-Fatigue-Management-Regulation EASA - Regulatory update - 22-May-2014 Work Shop 15-16 May 2014 Workshop_Finland_FTL_23_24_Sept Key issues of EASA FTL EASA Time Zone Crossing and Acclimatisation EASA FAQ_FTL DEC_2014 EASA FTL - FAQ July 2015 (PDF) EASA FTL - FAQ … Vägtrafik - transportstyrelsen.se NAA Questions of understanding Feb 2014 EASA Explanatory Note to Decision 2014/002/R CS-FTL 1 EASA Q&A-on-new-EU-Fatigue-Management-Regulation EASA - Regulatory update - 22-May-2014 Work Shop 15-16 May 2014 Workshop_Finland_FTL_23_24_Sept Key issues of EASA FTL EASA Time Zone Crossing and Acclimatisation EASA FAQ_FTL DEC_2014 EASA FTL - FAQ July 2015 (PDF) EASA FTL - FAQ … EASA FTL 2016: Flight and Duty Time Limitations and Rest Requirements Annex to Decision 2017/007/R AMC and GM to Part-ORO — Issue 2, Amendment 11 24-Apr-2017. Page 2 Table Of Contents Swedish Transport Agency (STA) – Compliance Checklist 2 Subpart-FTL – Version 2.0 Checked 2018-09-18 . COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST* FLIGHT AND DUTY TIME LIMITATIONS AND REST REQUIREMENTS.

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which is in effect since February 2016. EASA: ORO.FTL.225 (a - f) (a) Standby at the airport shall be in the roster and start and end time of standby shall be notified in advance CS FTL.1.225 (a) (a) If an assigned FDP starts during the airport standby (1) the FDP counts from the start of the FDP. The max FDP is reduced by any time on standby in excess of 4 hours. The operator should complete the compliance checklist within the CAA guidance to developing an FTL scheme (Appendix 1 from EASA FTL Regulations –  CAP (UK), EASA FTL Regulations Combined Document, View. CAP (UK), EASA ICAO, Fatigue Management Guide for Airline Operators, View. ICAO, Fatigue  24.

If the FDP is extended due to in-flight rest according to ORO.FTL.205(e), or to split duty according to ORO.FTL.220, the 6 hours of paragraph (6) and (7) are extended to 8 hours; 9. Reference: EASA ORO.FTL 105 “acclimatised” means a state in which a crew member’s circadian biological clock is synchronised to the time zone where the crew member is. A crew member is considered to be acclimatised to a 2-hour wide time zone surrounding the local time at the point of departure.

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CS FTL.1.220 (b) instructs the operator to specify actual times for post and pre-flight duties and for travelling in its operations manual. The minimum for the total is 30 minutes. The operator must demonstrate how travelling in both directions, and post and pre-flight duties are accomplished in the time defined in the OM. Operators shall only use the rostered standby availability period to place their call for duty.

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Date of Issue: 18 Oct 2017. Number: O58. Version: 4. pdf. Download (pdf). 2 Mar 2020 Flight Training Device.

Status of the EASA FAQ 5 2. Applicability of FTL requirements of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 5 3. Applicability of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 5 4.
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Hej Som trafikflygare i ett för FI som flyger på flygbolag. Se fråga 17 i bifogad FAQ från EASA kring FTL; Läs recensioner, jämför kundbetyg, se skärmavbilder och läs mer om EASA FTL 2016.

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EASA vs Airline FTL is based on many years of experience calculating your duty and restttimes. The previous apps "EU-OPS vs MTV" and "EU-OPS" sold over 10.000 times all over Europe. This is the only one that supports major airline's CWAs. Also, it imports your flight from your device's calendar. 2014-03-03 2014-03-03 2014-03-03 Use the table supplied in CS FTL.1.235 when the greatest time zone difference is greater than or equal to 4 hours.

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Status of the EASA FAQ 5 2. Applicability of FTL requirements of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 5 3. Applicability of Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 6 4. EASA FAQ 17-May-2019 Page 2 Contents REFERENCE TOPIC Page Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 as amended by Regulation (EU) No 83/2014 1. Status of the EASA FAQ 5 2.

If the FDP is extended due to in-flight rest according to ORO.FTL.205(e), or to split duty according to ORO.FTL.220, the 6 hours of paragraph (6) and (7) are extended to 8 hours; 9. Reference: EASA ORO.FTL 105 “acclimatised” means a state in which a crew member’s circadian biological clock is synchronised to the time zone where the crew member is. A crew member is considered to be acclimatised to a 2-hour wide time zone surrounding the local time at the point of departure. • Use the table supplied in CS FTL.1.235 when the greatest time zone difference is greater than or equal to 4 hours: Acclimatisation The EASA has provided the following guidance materials within the FAQ’s 31 -July, 2015: a general understanding of the author’s interpretation of the new EASA FTL as amended on 29-Jan-2014.