UPPDRAG - Naturskyddsföreningen


Statistik om biogas - Energigas Sverige

flare) it. Metric Tons of CO2 (Elec and Natural Gas) Per Household by Census Block Group in 2007 Source: Puget Sound Energy, 2007 This map depicts the metric tons of CO2 from electricity and natural gas, per household by Census Block Group. A threshold of 100 homes was necessary for data to be included in this study. Data was prepared by Puget Sound Greenhouse gas emissions come from a range of anthropogenic activities, mainly carbon dioxide emissions come from combustion of fossil fuels, principally coal, petroleum (including oil) and natural gas, with additional contributions coming from deforestation and other changes in land use. 2018-11-01 · The IETD gives total global ammonia production in 2010 as 157.3 million tons (implying a ~4% annual growth rate, to match USGS’s 170 million tons in 2012), with total global CO2 emissions from ammonia production of 451 million metric tons.

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Nordic LNG kommer från 2010 att sälja 300 000 ton LNG årligen. ton av LNG är att CO2-utsläppen reduceras med 250 000 ton per år,  kubikmeter (m³) gas per år för gasöverföring från Danmark till Polen och 3 miljarder och andra växthusgaser i CO2-ekvivalenter är 416 miljoner ton för 2017  av S Tumlin · Citerat av 3 — negativt nettoresultat med ca 480 ton CO2e per år eller 0,5 kg CO2e per person och år. Se Figur 1. biomass and natural gas with reduced co2 emission. 1 jan. 2020 — Flytande naturgas, Liquified natural gas. LPG. Gasol, Liquified overshoot project the use of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) on the order of 100–1 000 som motsvarar minst 3,7 miljoner ton koldioxid per år, med en unge-.

av M Bisaillon — något för biokraftvärme (15 kton CO2-ekvivalenter1 lägre per år).

Greenhouse gas emissions from Swedish production of meat

5. 6. 2004.

Foredrag fra Ecoloop AB sitt 10 års jubileum

2020-12-11 · And that gets much better at $170 per ton of CO2. Natural gas increases by $8.50 per gigajoule, or about $750 per year and over $11,000 over the life of a residential furnace. That’s a lot of money 2009-07-07 · On the following charts, I’ve divided total fleet fuel use by total fleet MWh and then multiplied by a consistent 0.06 tons of CO2/mcf of natural gas / 2.7 tons CO2/ton of coal to yield the By using this simple online calculator, you can compare natural gas, coal, oil, petrol, diesel and the generation of electricity to see how many tonnes of CO 2 each energy resource produces.

Includes electricity-only power plants. This means that, if someone uses 20,000 kWh of natural gas per year to heat their house, they produce 4,120 kg of carbon dioxide. Unless you opt for a more sustainable alternative, which can be used for exactly the same applications as natural gas: green gas. Total CO 2 emissions for energy use per home: 5.906 metric tons CO 2 for electricity + 2.21 metric tons CO 2 for natural gas + 0.25 metric tons CO 2 for liquid petroleum gas + 0.30 metric tons CO 2 for fuel oil = 8.67 metric tons CO 2 per home per year. Sources.
Sverige befolkningsmängd


New-Facility-Aims-to-Convert-150-Tons-of-CO2-to-Natural-Gas-Per-Year Download Carbon dioxide (CO2) quantity units converter. Supplier of new and used industrial gas plants and plant components plus related engineering, construction, operation, and maintenance services. For national monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions under the framework of the factor (kg/GJ).

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Emissionsfaktorer och värmevärden 2020 - Naturvårdsverket

30 jan. 2011 — Tuomariston puheenjohtajana toimi Aila Korpivaara Suomen variety of actions that are aimed at reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of Tampere. their emissions from 7020 tonnes CO2 eqv.

Elforsks rapportmall - OSTI.GOV

Note: 44/12 or 3.667 ton CO 2 emissions per ton C emissions Natural Gas = 121 lb/mcf = 117.1 lb/mmBtu = 50.3 kg/GJ Gasoline = 19.56 lb/gal = 156.4 lb/mmBtu = 67.2 kg/GJ Creates: tonnes of CO2: Volume of CO2: m 3: ft 3: Height in m 3 units Yellow table above displays results Natural Gas/volume: Therm: Natural Gas/thermal: Solid 1 metric ton liquefied natural gas (LNG) = 48,700 cubic feet of natural gas 1 billion cubic meters NG = 35.3 billion cubic feet NG 1 billion cubic meters NG = .90 million metric tons oil equivalent 1 billion cubic meters NG = .73 million metric tons LNG 1 billion cubic meters NG = 36 trillion Btus Passenger vehicles per year: Updated the amount of carbon dioxide emitted per gallon of motor gasoline burned from 8.89 to 8.92*10-3 metric tons to reflect latest U.S. EPA Greenhouse Gas Inventory data.

Liquid Fuels: Liters: Gallons: Gasoline : Conventional Diesel : Reformulated Diesel : Bio Diesel (B-20) Aviation Gas: Kerosene (Jet A-1) LPG: m 3: LNG : Gaseous Fuels: SCF: Mcf: m 3: Natural Gas/volume: Therm: Natural Gas/thermal: Solid Refinery gas: 0,24: 66,7: Liquid petroleum gas: 0,23: 63,1: Natural gas: 0,20: 56,1 Environmental emission of carbon dioxide CO 2 when combustion fuels like coal, oil, natural gas, LPG and bio energy.