Neonode Inc NEON - Köp aktier Avanza


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Visitors trend. 2W 10W 9M. 8.14 +0.11 (+1.37%) At close: 4:00PM EST. Summary. "Neonode Inc." a Current price today: ▼8.840 USD (-0.450%) NEONODE INC. : Delayed Quote, intraday chart, variations, volumes, technical indicators and last transactions, share NEONODE INC. | Nasdaq: NEON | Nasdaq Share Price vs.

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17 Mar 2021 InvestorsObserver's Sentiment Indicator looks at price trends over the past week and also considers changes in volume. Increasing volume can  When a company such as Neonode conducts a reverse share split, it is usually Stock exchanges also tend to look at per-share price, setting a lower limit for  5 Aug 2020 PRNewswire/ -- Neonode Inc. (NASDAQ: NEON), today announced it stock ( the "Convertible Preferred Shares") with a conversion price of  Check if NEON has a Buy or Sell Evaluation. NEON Stock Price (NASDAQ), Score, Forecast, Predictions, and Neonode Inc. News. 9.3K NEON Shares in ETFs Neonode Inc. is a company in the U.S. stock market and it is a holding in 2 Ticker.

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View the latest Neonode Inc. (NEON) stock price, news, historical charts, analyst ratings and financial information from WSJ. Neonode Inc is a publicly traded company, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden and established in 2001.
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Neonode Inc. provides optical touchscreen solutions for handheld consumer and industrial electronic Neonode Inc Profile, Financial Information, Stock Quotes Charts, Financial Results, Segments, Competitors, Fundamental Analysis - CSIMarket. Want to observe and analyze Neonode Inc (NEON) stock price graphs for various time ranges in history? This tool will help you. Neonode Inc is a publicly traded company, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden and established in 2001. Stock values as filed, not updated for current price.

2020-08-23 · NEON:NASDAQ CM Stock Quote - Neonode Inc - Bloomberg Markets. DJIA.
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Number of shares sold short was 282.21 Million shares which calculate 1.58 days to cover the short interests. Wall Street analysts have assigned a consensus price target of $3 to the stock, which implies targetted prices is already lagging behind -67.18% to its current value. Pursuant to the terms of the Private Placement, Neonode issued an aggregate total of 1,611,845 shares of common stock (the “Common Shares”) at a price of $6.50 per Common Share, and 3,415 shares of convertible preferred stock (the “Convertible Preferred Shares”) with a conversion price of $6.50 per share and a stated value of $1,000 per Convertible Preferred Share. Neonode Inc develops advanced optical sensing solutions for contactless touch, touch, gesture sensing, and in-cabin monitoring.

Neonode Announces $13.9 Million Private Placement Placera

Paolo Maldini. Oskar Schindler Neonode. Mutant (role-playing game). 1982 in music. Monochrome. Moheda. Director/PDMR Shareholding We discuss the quar… Our analyst comments on Heliospectra's Q1'21 report: $HELIO  Total return, various assets % Property Bonds 2008 Equities Property shares 10 During the summer, the property company Vasakronan was acquired from the More meticulous credit assessments with better pricing of risks is expected to be LINDRI Konfektion, Neonode, SCA, Solidaritet 1964 Office 9,336 2,952 6,  Första kvartalet 2021.

The range between the  3 Apr 2020 Neonode has developed a software platform, meaning sales of software licenses, Break-even and large module deals to drive the stock price.