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The request submitted by Finland on behalf of Suomen Posti Oyj, which as of 1 June 2007 changed its name to Itella Oyj, (hereinafter referred to as Finland Post) A Swedish-speaking Finn whose first poetry collection was published the year before Finland's independence, she died young of tuberculosis Translation of «finland» in English language: «Finland» — Swedish-English Dictionary.
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Any project from Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Icelandic, Finnish or any other Translation of Finnish, Finland-Swedish and Sámi fiction and non-fiction into other languages. The FILI translation grant programme promotes the translation and Quick translation of finska into German, pronunciation, word forms and examples of use.
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This legislation requires an official translation of documents into Finnish and Swedish Feb 1, 2017 LEARN FINNISH IN FOUR MINUTES Finnish comedian Ismo Leikola teaches Finnish in one easy lesson. No niin, Stu 80) Free online multilingual translation for English, French, German, Russian and Spanish languages.
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