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Videos, Competition, Events 2020-12-09 The third week of Season 2 from Karate Combat goes down Sunday night live in YouTube. In the main event, Daniel Viveros from Ecuador will battle Myrza-Bek Tebuev from Russia. The card also features Calum Robb facing Franklin Mina and Vitalie Certan vs. Gabriel Cera. “Myrza vs. Viveros: Two top talents from the 67 division […] Karate Combat Event, Live from Athens, Greece on July 28, 2018, Karate Combat: Olympus is the second event of the Karate Combat fighting league’s inaugural season. Held in the ancient Zappeion Courtyard where the first modern Olympic Games were held in 1896.
ROIG featured two new contenders. Jerome Brown (UK) and Pedro Roman Roig (Spain) offered up an exciting bout that night resulting in both fighters winning league contracts. Watch the exciting full-contact karate match between Reda Messaoudi (Morrocco) vs. Nikos Kosmas (Greece) from Karate Combat: Olympus, held on July 28, 2018 in Athens, Greece. The third week of Season 2 from Karate Combat goes down Sunday night live in YouTube.
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January 16, 2020 · Franklin Mina surprised Achraf Ouchen with this powerful right hand KarateCombat Fight Against Achraf Ouchen vs Franklin Minaat Karate Combat: Olympus July 28, 2018, in Athens, Greece. Karate Combat was founded to elevate and promote Also available for viewing will be a co-main clash between the highly touted WKF alumni and British Wado-Kai stylist Calum “Braveheart” Robb and the Ecuadoran Shotokan fighter Franklin “The Bullet” Mina.
The co-main event features Morocco’s Achraf Ouchen versus Ecuadorian Franklin Mina. Other fighters include Deivis Ferraras of Dominican Republic, Wellington Barbosa of Brazil, and Yaser Sahintekin of Turkey. #Repost @karatecombat with -8 Days for The War 🔥 ・・・ Morocco’s Achraf “The Wolf” Ouchen will go up against Ecuador’s Franklin Mina in Athens, Greece July 28th at Karate Combat: Olympus!
Kyokushin karate Black belt Swedish Champion 2011 U20 #mmafighter #boxinghype #karate #fighting #taekwondo #mmatraining #training #fight
COMBAT GO, created by JungoTV CEO George Chung, a five-time karate champion and world-renowned black belt, presents curated content selected by 6:00 a.m. OCH – Bäst av TKO – Med Rich Franklin vs.
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Daniel Viveros (0-1) by unanimous decision. Co-Main Result.
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Después de iniciar su carrera en Karate Combate con dos derrotas ante Ilies World Karate Champion - KC Pro Fighter. Morocco. Guess the judges watched another fight #ufc251 Franklin Mina in Karate Combat: Olympus! 28 Jul 2018 En la pelea coestelar lucharán los pesos pesados Achraf Ouchen de Marruecos y Franklin Mina de Ecuador, mientras que el campeón Karate Combat 10 “Valhalla” Fight Card: Davy Dona vs. Nikos Gidakos. Igor De Castaneda vs.
får dig att känna att det nu är mest lämpligast tid av året "- Franklin Adams. Combat Distinction Medal Fördelar · Bär avdelningsbeteckningar och andra BODYCOMBAT.