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Such a pidor you are, Mikhalych! Petrovich, you are the world’s biggest pidor! This is Ivanych, he’s is our homeboy pidor. by hyperboreus June 10, 2020. Russian.


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It is possible the name you are searching has less than five occurrences per year. Weird things about the name Pidar: The name spelled backwards is Radip. In Russian, блять is usually spoken a bit different than how English people say it.

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0. russian slave. It is also about a trend in Russian film translating to enliven - in There are several terms for voiceover translation in Russian: "pidar" or plain "pridurok. пидарас m [pidaras]. Queer, poofter. See пидорас.

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Here are 2 possible meanings. 2017-08-15 osu! » beatmaps » Russian Kid - Pidar Blyat. beatmap info Toggle navigation. Guest home news team changelog download search beatmaps listing featured artists packs rankings See examples of Pidar.


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RUSSIAN PLAYS CS:GO · Wild Horse Immediately Recognizes His Girlfriend After Years Apart | The Dodo Faith = Restored. 3:45; 8mn; 6 dagar sedan. #oscartherussiantoy Photo by Oscar The Russian Toy in Sandvatn Tinn. #mynorway #toiletsofthewold #thorgotaas Photo by Vidar Pidar Udedridar in  pidar. Russian slang, abbreviation and variation of " pederast " or greek word "pederasty" which means "gay" or "faggot". Same as " pidaras ". In most cases is used as a profanity to insult someone and has same meaning as "asshole".