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Utdelning NCC
Bonava’s first day of trading on Nasdaq Stockholm was 9 June. NCC Treasury AB (publ) (the “Company”) makes a non-binding offer (the “Offer”) to purchase bonds issued by the Company for a cash consideration. The reason for the purchase is that NCC´s funding needs has decreased as a result of the spin-off of Bonava in June 2016. NCC’s Annual General Meeting on April 12, 2016 resolved to spin off all of the shares of HoldCo Residential 1 AB (publ), (“Bonava” formerly NCC Housing), to the shareholders and to list the company on Nasdaq Stockholm. The intention is that the spinoff and listing will occur during 2016. Bonava was a business area within NCC up until 2016 when it was listed via a spin off to the shareholders of NCC. Bonava's share price initially developed positively but has in the recent year not performed in line with peers.
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general meeting of NCC AB (publ) (“NCC ”) on 12 April 2016 to distribute all shares in Bonava AB (publ) (“Bonava ”) through a dividend to the shareholders of NCC and the application by the board of directors of Bonava to have Bonava’s shares of series A and shares of series B admitted to trading on Nasdaq Stockholm. Bonava is a Swedish public limited company listed on Nasdaq Stockholm on 9 June 2016 following a spin-off from NCC. Bonava’s Corporate Governance is based on Swedish law, the Articles of Association, Nasdaq Stockholm’s rules for Issuers and regulations and recommendations issued by relevant organisations. NCC’s Annual General Meeting on April 12, 2016 resolved to spin off all of the shares of HoldCo Residential 1 AB (publ), (“Bonava” formerly NCC Housing), to the shareholders and to list the company on Nasdaq Stockholm. The intention is that the spinoff and listing will occur during 2016. NCC:s bostadsutvecklingsenhet Housing ska som bekant knoppas av. Verksamheten byter namn till Bonava och börjar handlas som egen aktie på Stockholmsbörsen den 9:e juni. Redan på fredag kommer dock rätten att tilldelas Bonava-aktier att skiljas av från NCC-aktien, så räkna med ett hyggligt kursfall på fredagsmorgonen.
Bonava är nytt men vår historia är lång. Bonava, med rötterna i NCC, har en lång historia av att skapa bostäder och bostadsområden.
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Bonava söker alltid nya projekt och affärer för att fortsätta skapa levande grannskap. Om du vill komma i kontakt med oss gällande mark- och byggrättsförsäljning eller andra affärutvecklingsfrågor kan du kontakta Stefan Timan. Bonava — надежный шведский девелопер жилья и одна из лидирующих компаний Северной Европы.
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Sista dag för handel i NCC:s aktier inklusive rätt att erhålla aktier i Bonava … NCC: NCC Housing byter namn till Bonava inför avknoppning.
Mēs zinām, ka radīt pasaulē labākās mājas nozīmē ne tikai rūpes par skaistu interjeru vai pārdomātu arhitektūru — mums rūp cilvēki, kas tajās dzīvo. BRIEF-NCC sees one-off effects in Q2 from Bonava spin-out. By Reuters Staff. 1 Min Read
In 2016, NCC’s Annual General Meeting resolved to spin off NCC Housing into a separate company – Bonava – which was distributed to the shareholders.
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Bonava katsoo kotisivujensa mukaan luoneensa koteja ja naapurustoja 1930-luvulta lähtien. Yhtiön suurin omistaja on ruotsalainen sijoitusyhtiö Nordstjernan, jolla oli tammikuun Inspiratsioon. Bonava.
By Reuters Staff. 1 Min Read
In 2016, NCC’s Annual General Meeting resolved to spin off NCC Housing into a separate company – Bonava – which was distributed to the shareholders.
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2015-03-25, 6,00, 4,04, Ordinarie. Bonava is a Swedish public limited company listed on Nasdaq Stockholm on 9 June 2016 following a spin-off from NCC. Bonava's Corporate Governance is Exempelvis har Bonava drabbats av tvärbromsningen på under 25 år visar att avkastningen i spin off-bolag under tre år efter klyvningen Bonava was a business area within NCC up until 2016 when it was listed via a spin off to the shareholders of NCC. Bonava's share price En avknoppning (engelska; Spin-off) är enkelt förklarat när ett bolag knoppas av från ett annat.
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NCC Årsredovisning 2020 Our core is construction. NCC är byggföretaget med expertis att hantera komplexiteten i en byggprocess från start till mål, som ger en positiv påverkan på samhället och bidrar till dess utveckling. NCC bygger skolor, sjukhus, vägar, broar, hus, kontor och mycket mer. Most companies can afford to migrate to the cloud slowly, moving one, or at most, a few apps at a time. Then there’s Bonava. As a result of its parent company deciding to spin Bonava off as an independent business, the European housing developer had a nine-month deadline to move its entire infrastructure and application landscape.
NCC bygger skolor, sjukhus, vägar, broar, hus, kontor och mycket mer. Most companies can afford to migrate to the cloud slowly, moving one, or at most, a few apps at a time. Then there’s Bonava. As a result of its parent company deciding to spin Bonava off as an independent business, the European housing developer had a nine-month deadline to move its entire infrastructure and application landscape. NCC, listed on Nasdaq Stockholm, is planning to distribute NCC Housing to shareholders in 2016 in accordance with the rules of Lex ASEA. In the event of a spin-off, NCC’s shareholders will receive shares in the new housing development company instead of cash dividends. Aiemmin asuntokehittämiseen keskittynyt NCC Housing irtautui NCC:stä vuonna 2016 ja toimii nykyisin nimellä Bonava.