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Miki Kuusi Faceboo . Miki Kuusi (I). + Add or change photo on View Miki Kuusi’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Miki has 7 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Miki’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Helsinki entrepreneur Miki Kuusi raised a 2.5M Euro seed round for his payment app Wolt and is said to be raising a pretty big round soon. Kuusi may be better known in startup circles for Mikko ”Miki” Akseli Kuusi (s.
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Riku has 4 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and … View Miki Of’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Miki has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Miki’s connections and … View Kristiina Lunnas’ professional profile on LinkedIn.
Miki has 7 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Miki… Mikko ”Miki” Akseli Kuusi (s.25. syyskuuta 1989 Helsinki) on suomalainen startup-yrittäjä.
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Kuusi may be better known in startup circles for Miki Kuusi - This Is My Office -Directed by Teemu SaarioProduced by Ü us IG & Twi Miki Kuusi is the CEO of the tech company Wolt and one of the founders of the start-up event Slush. Kuusi was born and grew up in Helsinki. He has lived in many different corners of the city: Pitäjänmäki, Töölö, Kamppi, Roihuvuori, Kallio, Punavuori, and now in Ullanlinna.
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See the complete profile on LinkedIn and Oct 14, 2020 Miki Kuusi, co-founder and CEO, Wolt. Wolt, a Helsinki, Finland-based food delivery platform provider, received a €7.5m investment from Nov 5, 2015 Four years ago, this would have seemed rather an utopian situation to Miki Kuusi and Atte Hujanen. At the time, in September 2011, Slush The Helsinki-based company was founded in 2014, employs over 2200 people today, and is led by its co-founder and CEO Miki Kuusi. Wolt has raised $856 Jan 25, 2021 Wolt launched in 2015, co-founded by Finnish tech VC Miki Kuusi, as a restaurant delivery platform serving 10 restaurants in Helsinki. In just Jan 25, 2021 to have a long-term mindset when it comes to doubling down on our different markets,” Wolt Chief Executive Miki Kuusi said in a statement.
Miki Kuusi. Miki Kuusi Co-founder & CEO at Wolt, we're hiring! Wolt will use its new funding to accelerate its growth, adding new cities and countries, Miki Kuusi, Wolt’s 29-year-old co-founder and chief executive officer, said in an interview. View Riku Mäkelä’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Riku has 4 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Riku’s connections and jobs at similar companies. View Miki and’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community.
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"How a fresh graduate ended up being the CEO of his 4th company at 26"How does someone go from delivering mail as a paper boy, to building a 15,000 person te Kuusi, 25, didn't quite change that single-handedly, but the Helsinki startup scene would look very different without him. In a marble-pillared drawing room Vizualizați profilul lui Miki :) pe LinkedIn, cea mai mare comunitate profesională din lume. Miki :) are 1 job enumerat în profilul său. Vizualizați profilul complet pe LinkedIn și descoperiți contactele și joburile lui Miki :) la companii similare.
Miki as the one whose initiative gave it the rebirth back in 2011, had a goal for building a welcoming culture and a community for start-ups in Finland. From the moment he was encouraged by Peter Vesterbacka and got his hands on the event becoming the CEO, it grew from 1500 attendees with mostly students to 13’000 visitors including world-known founders, investors, and speakers. 2016-10-11
Miki Kuusi ei tykkää puhua digitalisaatiosta – hänen mielestään kyseessä on internet, jota voi ja kannattaa hyödyntää liiketoiminnan eduksi monin tavoin.
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Vuodesta 2014 alkaen hän on toiminut perustamansa teknologiayritys Woltin toimitusjohtajana. Kuusi tunnetaan yhtenä kasvuyritystapahtuma Slushin perustajista. View the profiles of professionals named "Kuusi" on LinkedIn. There are 100+ professionals named "Kuusi", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. The Helsinki-based delivery platform Wolt has expanded to 23 countries and over 100 cities in just 5 years from launch.
Patrick Thorstensson - Head of Partnerships - LinkedIn
See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Johan’s connections and jobs at similar companies. Mikko Kuusi is Chief Executive Officer at Wolt Enterprises Oy. View Mikko Kuusi’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers. View Johannes Rytkonen’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Johannes’ education is listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Johannes’ connections and jobs at similar companies. Miki Kuusi ใช้งาน Facebook เข้าร่วม Facebook เพื่อติดต่อกับ Miki Kuusi และคนอื่นๆ ที่คุณอาจจะรู้จัก Facebook ทำให้ผู้คนสามารถแชร์สิ่งต่างๆ Miki Kuusi tekee mielellään 100-tuntista työviikkoa.
The 14 Largest Global Startup Funding Rounds of January 2021. by Reza Chowdhury. Everything you need to need to know about the largest global startup funding rounds of January 2021; broken down by industry, stage, LINKEDIN INSTAGRAM.