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Salecan is suitable for the fabrication of hydrogels for biomedical applications due to its excellent physicochemical and biological properties. In this paper, a series of pH-sensitive hydrogels dynamic rheological properties of the pastes. An outline of the parameters which may be obtained by cone & plate or parallel plate rheometry is provided in Fig. 2. The present work provides a brief overview of the use of cone & plate and parallel plate rheometry for assessing the rheological properties of pastes used for screen printing. In this work, the rheological and nonisothermal crystallization properties of ABS/PA6-compatibilized blends prepared by reactive extrusion were investigated. The uniform distribution of submicron-sized ABS droplets resulted in dilatant fluid behavior and a transition to elastic behavior from viscous behavior in the low-frequency region. 2008-05-31 · Kulicke et al.

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Food Hydrocolloids, 2018, 81: 474-480. [2] Xu H, Li J*, Wang L, et al. Purification and characterization of a highly viscous polysaccharide produced The need for a rapid and direct alternative to the rheology-based blending laws in quantifying phase behaviour in biopolymer composite gels is explored in this study. In doing so, the efficacy of confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) paired with image analysis software – FIJI and Imaris - in quantifying phase volume was studied. That was carried out in a model system of agarose with 2014-11-1 The structure of salecan/PNIPAm semi-IPNs was confirmed by Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) proved the stability of the semi-IPNs.

The research here provides an investigation of the rheological properties of Salecan solution over a wide range of shear rate (0.001-1000 s-1), frequency (0.1-100 rad/s), concentrations (0.3%, 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5%), temperature (5-95°C) and 2018-08-01 · Salecan (CAS RN: 1439905-58-4) is an unbranched, macromolecular (1 → 3)-β-D-glucan with satisfactory rheological properties (Xiu et al., 2010; Xiu, Zhou, Zhu, Wang, & Zhang, 2011). It has the weight-average molecular weight of 5 × 10 6 Da and comprises more than 3000 repeating units on average. A. Xiu, M. Zhou, B. Zhu et al., “Rheological properties of Salecan as a new source of thickening agent,” Food Hydrocolloids, vol.

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Unique temperature specifications offer the possibility to characterize structure properties under constant temperature stress or in accelerated ageing conditions:   Oct 24, 2017 Cathodoluminescence spectroscopy is a powerful tool for the micro- characterization of rocks and minerals, providing unique contrasts  These two fundamental elements of painted art play a significant role in traditional watercolors and highly influence the pigment's behavior and application. Oct 19, 2018 The new Gatan Monarc has easy alignment and auto tuning features, so now even new users and non-specialists can acquire high quality  Rheological properties of Salecan as a new source of thickening agent. A Xiu, M Zhou, B Zhu, S Wang, J Zhang.

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Compression tests revealed that these semi-IPNs were robust materials with compressive modulus between 13.3 and 90.5kPa, the addition of Salecan increased the fracture strain from 71.1% to 88.8%.

Effective reduction values of ∼37–41% in IFT and ∼43% in wettability were observed with increasing surfactant concentration. Moreover, enhancement in the rheological properties and 13.3–22.4% additional oil recovery demonstrate the possible applications of this natural surfactant–polymer system in EOR. Background: Adding lidocaine to hyaluronic acid (HA)-based gels appeared to modify their rheological properties, in the view of the first author. Objective: This paper sought to compare the rheological properties of three CE-marked and FDA-approved gels, administered with and without lidocaine, along with two other newly FDA-approved gels. This topic is part of IMK 209 - Physical Properties of Foods. Lecturer: Professor Dr Abd Karim Alias Food Division, School of Industrial Technology, Universi The rheological properties of particles suspended in a non‐polar mineral oil have been investigated as a function of volume fraction of particles, particle size, surface properties and shear rate.
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That was carried out in a model system of agarose with 2014-11-1 The structure of salecan/PNIPAm semi-IPNs was confirmed by Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD).

The polymeric dispersant, Hypermer KD‐3, adsorbed strongly on the powder surfaces, and colloidally stable, fluid suspensions up to a volume fraction of φ= 0.50 could be prepared.
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In this research, a microfine-cement-based grout mixed with microfine fly ash (MFA), nano-CaCO3 (NC), and superplasticizer (SP) was designed to improve the rheological and mechanical properties of grouting materials, and In this chapter, rheological properties of foods are discussed, concentrating on the principles of flow behavior and deformation of food systems. The principles of viscosity and texture measurement 2018-05-16 · Thus, rheological studies are important for studying the behavior of these visco-elastic fluids. In the present work, we systematically study these properties by investigating the effect of concentration, temperature and molecular weight of PEG as additives in a common base STF of 20% fumed silica in PEG200 under both steady and dynamic rheology. Although there are reports of the rheological and textural properties of gluten‐free doughs that contain Andean grain flour (Turkut et al., 2016; Encina‐Zelada et al., 2018), many of these doughs are made with more than two ingredients forming complex systems, which makes it difficult to explain the contribution of each of them. 2020-07-14 · This paper presents the results of an interlaboratory study of the rheological properties of cement paste and ultrasound gel as reference substance. The goal was to quantify the comparability and reproducibility of measurements of the Bingham parameters yield stress and plastic viscosity when measured on one specific paste composition and one particular ultrasound gel in different laboratories Rheological study of vegetable juice, in part how it flows, is important to handling and processing, quality control, and sensory evaluation of derived products.

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Salecan stabilizes the microstructure and improves the rheological performance of yogurt [J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2018, 81: 474-480.

Lecturer: Professor Dr Abd Karim Alias Food Division, School of Industrial Technology, Universi The rheological properties of particles suspended in a non‐polar mineral oil have been investigated as a function of volume fraction of particles, particle size, surface properties and shear rate. Besides particle size and morphology, particle deformability is a particle property affecting the value of ϕ m and thereby also the rheological properties of suspensions (Snabre and Mills 1996). It has been shown repeatedly that parenchyma cells, accounting for the majority of cells in plant‐tissue‐based food suspensions, are highly deformable (Den Ouden and Van Vliet 2002 ; Moelants and Rheological properties are typically applied to Non-Newtonian fluids but can also be applied to soft solids such as thermoplastics at elevated temperatures experienced during the welding process.