Publicerad i: Ecology and Evolution, 5 (2), 409-418 Nyckelord: Cimex lectularius, colonization, inbreeding, metapopulation dynamics, outbreeding depression, Letar du efter Metapopulation Ecology av av författaren Ilkka Hanski? Här, på, kan du hämta PDF-versionen av den här boken genom att This was the prevailing view within ecology in the 1950's when the terms ticular the meta-population models have widened our knowledge regarding a. The relative importance of local and regional processes to metapopulation dynamics Journal. Journal of Animal Ecology Studerar också Metapopulation Ecology·2011 - idag. Erasmums exchange studies for 1 semester. Har studerat biology vid Latvijas universitāte.
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Although it has been argued that metapopulation persistence and extinction are affected strongly by the rate at which the landscape changes (Adler & Neurnberger 1994; Keymer et al. 2000; Childs et al. 2004), the degree to which changes in patch connectivity affect persistence still remain a challenge for theoretical spatial ecology. Much recent work in metapopulation ecology has focused on developing advanced models that allow for incorporation of more detailed biological information to explain patterns in patch dynamics. Many of these models, however, have not taken into account the realities of imperfect detection in field sampling. Metapopulation models examine patch dynamics over time to answer questions about spatial and demographic ecology.
Models in landscape ecology use detailed descriptions of landscape structure, but often without considering colonization and extinction dynamics. Metapopulation Ecology Ilkka Hanski Oxford Series in Ecology and Evolution.
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Finally, communities of species that are distributed in a landscape potentially form metacommunity, which is a concept that shares important According to the metapopulation approach, all immigrants have to come from other fragments. In its "classical" form (Levins 1969), a metapopulation consists of isolated patches (islands) within an unsuitable matrix (sea), without a mainland. Metapopulation dynamics have emerged as a key consideration in conservation planning for salmonid fishes.
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Starting in 1969, and accelerating since the early 1990s, mathematical models of metapopulations The metapopulation biology and evolutionary ecology of these bacterial systems, in these synthetic ecosystems, can be addressed using experimental biophysics. Life history evolution Edit Metapopulation models have been used to explain life-history evolution, such as the ecological stability of amphibian metamorphosis in small vernal ponds . Metapopulation ecology is used in conservation biology and in population genetics where it influences genetic structure, the rate and trajectory of evolution and even what traits are under selection. Finally, communities of species that are distributed in a landscape potentially form metacommunity, which is a concept that shares important According to the metapopulation approach, all immigrants have to come from other fragments. In its "classical" form (Levins 1969), a metapopulation consists of isolated patches (islands) within an unsuitable matrix (sea), without a mainland. Metapopulation dynamics have emerged as a key consideration in conservation planning for salmonid fishes.
Although pure metapopulations may be rare, there are many empirical studies in which metapopulation processes,
Metapopulation Ecology RESEARCH APPROACH A metapopulation is a “population of populations” distributed in discrete habitat patches that are linked by occasional dispersal. Metapopulation ecology is used in conservation biology and in population genetics where it influences genetic structure, the rate and trajectory of evolution and even what traits are under selection. Finally, communities of species that are distributed in a landscape potentially form metacommunity, which is a concept that shares important characteristics with metapopulations.
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Department of Ecology, Lund University: 138, Lund. Hultengren av T Thomasson · 2018 — Metapopulation ecology. Oxford University Press.
Frontiers in Metapopulation Biology: The Legacy of Ilkka Hanski.
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Structures Metapopulation Models. Two-Species Metapopulation Models. From Metapopulation Dynamics to Community Structure: Some Consequences of Spatial Heterogeneity. Pris: 729 kr. Häftad, 1997. Skickas inom 10-15 vardagar. Köp Metapopulation Biology av Ilkka A Hanski på
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För en viss art modifieras varje metapopulation kontinuerligt av U Mörtberg · 2006 · Citerat av 8 — Metapopulation ecology of Osmoderma eremita – dispersal, habitat quality and habitat history. Department of Ecology, Lund University: 138, Lund. Hultengren av T Thomasson · 2018 — Metapopulation ecology. Oxford University Press. Hanski, I. 2000. Extinction debt and species credit in boreal forests: modelling the consequences of different Metapopulation, in ecology, a regional group of connected populations of a species. For a given species, each metapopulation is continually being modified by increases (births and immigrations) and decreases (deaths and emigrations) of individuals, as well as by the emergence and dissolution of local populations contained within it.
Molecular Ecology, Vol. 13, (6) : 1391-1407. Chauvet, S; van der Genetic diversity and differentiation in a Silene dioica metapopulation.