Det mystiska objektet finns längst ner i Östersjön. UFO: s


Ocean X Team - YouTube

The find, claimed to represent the last such shipment to Czarist Russia before the 1917 revolution, has been brought up from international Baltic waters between Sweden and Finland. Treasure hunters Peter Lindberg and Dennis Asberg first discovered the jumbo jet-sized object -- variously described as disc-shaped, circular and cylindrical -- using side-scan sonar. When images and videos were released on the Internet, the story quickly went viral and speculation took off as to the identity of the object, which resembles the fictitious Millennium Falcon spacecraft from the "Star Wars" movies. The Baltic Sea anomaly is a 60-metre (200 ft) circular rock-like formation on the floor of the Baltic Sea, discovered by Peter Lindberg, Dennis Åsberg and their Swedish “Ocean X” diving team in June 2011. The team reported that the formation rests on a pillar and includes a structure similar in appearance to a staircase, leading to a dark hole. The Baltic Sea anomaly is a 60-metre diameter circular rock- like formation on the floor of the northern Baltic Sea, at the center of the Bothnian Sea, discovered by Peter Lindberg, Dennis Åsberg and their Swedish "Ocean X" diving team in June 2011.

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Peter Lindberg, co-founder of the Ocean X Team, jokingly declared “Hey guys, we have a UFO! 2016-05-29 · Directed by Thomas Mikey Scrøder Jensen. With Oliver Byass, Billy Carson, Stan Constantin, Angela Davis. The incredible mystery of the possible 'alien spacecraft' or artificial construction that lies at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. View Dennis Asberg’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Dennis has 2 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Dennis Dennis Åsberg finns på Facebook Gå med i Facebook för att komma i kontakt med Dennis Åsberg och andra som du känner. Med Facebook kan du dela ditt liv Sep 1, 2017 - The Baltic Sea anomaly is a (200 ft) circular rock-like formation on the floor of the Baltic Sea, discovered by Peter Lindberg, Dennis Åsberg and their Swedish "Ocean X" diving team in June 2011.

The Baltic Sea Anomaly. LIVE STREAM.

Blev det något utav det mystiska cirkulära föremålet i

Foto: Ocean X Team/Pressbild. Dykare från Gävle hittade förlist ubåt.

Gävlebon som hittade det ryska ubåtsvraket - Arbetarbladet

Nu ger sig skattletarna Dennis Åsberg och Peter Lindberg ut på en ny expedition. Dykarna bakom ubåtsfyndet har spekulerat i att vraket ”ser modernt ut”. Försvarsmakten bekräftar nu att det med största sannolikhet är den ryska ubåten "Som", som förliste 1916. – Vi är ett företag och är medvetna om att uppmärksamhet är bra, säger Peter Lindberg, en av dykarna bakom fyndet.

Ordförande: Bo Dennis Åsberg  Peter Lindberg and Dennis Asberg, who discovered the Anomaly, themselves were baffled by their incredible finding.
Bibliotek sortering

Den här videon  En extrem bärgning, säger Peter Lindberg, en av ägarna till det Ocean X Team, ägt av Peter Lindberg och Dennis Åsberg, har letat vrak och  Vad var det Dennis Åsberg och Peter Lindberg hittade där på botten Juni 2011? Vilken värld/dimension/tid kommer föremålet ifrån? Dennis Åsberg är född 1966 och firar sin födelsedag 15 mars och har namnsdag 7 augusti. På Eniro kan du Bengt Jonas Peter Lindberg. Association med 1  Foto: Ocean X Team Peter Lindberg och Dennis Åsberg från Ocean X-Team.

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There are THREE objects of interest: Denis Asberg, who made the discovery alongside Mr Lindberg, told TV4 in Sweden: “There is a mountain, It could be 20-25 metres tall with a canyon in the middle, and below it there is a lot of Peter Lindberg and Dennis Asberg of Ocean X Team. (Picture: Ocean X Team) A Swedish salvage team has recovered hundreds of bottles of rare brandy and herbal liqueur from the 77m-deep WW1 wreck of the cargo ship Kyros . Treasure hunters Peter Lindberg and Dennis Asberg first discovered the jumbo jet-sized object -- variously described as disc-shaped, circular and cylindrical -- using side-scan sonar. When images and videos were released on the Internet, the story quickly went viral and speculation took off as to the identity of the object, which resembles the fictitious Millennium Falcon spacecraft from the The adventurers Dennis Åsberg and Peter Lindberg are passionate about searching for ship wrecks and other interesting objects on the seabed. In their lecture, they take the participants on an exciting and inspiring expedition trip, which makes them develop their teamwork, challenge themselves, dare to take risks and discover new opportunities.

Bo Dennis Åsberg Åkersberga, 55 år -

Lindberg bildade gruppen Ocean X team tillsammans med entreprenören Dennis Åberg. [2] Tidningar, radio och tv över hela världen har sedan dess fortsatt att kontakta Lindberg och hans kollega Dennis Åsberg.

Org.nummer: 969756-8179. Bolaget bedrivs avregistrerad 2017-01-03t och är Avregistrerad för F-skatt. Bolagsmän är Dennis Åsberg och Peter Lindberg.