Play it safe, stay with gold…at least for a little longer Vontobel


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To take a cautious, risk-free approach.. Play it safe Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio  noun A device designed to prevent accidents, as a lock on a firearm preventing accidental firing. noun A play in which a member of the offensive team downs the   PLAY SAFE meaning in hindi, PLAY SAFE pictures, PLAY SAFE pronunciation, PLAY SAFE translation,PLAY SAFE definition are included in the result of PLAY  Dec 23, 2019 "Tag" is a game. It's a really fun game. From Cambridge,.

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Everything's more To play fair "be nice" is from mid-15c. To play house as a children's activity is from 1958. To play for keeps is from 1861, originally of marbles or other children's games with tokens. To play (something) safe is from 1911; to play favorites is attested from 1902.

Find 5 ways to say PLAY IT SAFE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

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phrase. Take precautions; avoid risks.

BE SAFE! - svensk översättning - engelskt-svenskt

Cardi B finishes the song by getting our hopes up for another verse, but finishes with one last line. Don’t worry, we forgive you, Cardi. Take precautions; avoid risks. 'I think we'll play it safe and get another set of X- rays done'.

1 to occupy oneself in (a sport or diversion); amuse oneself in (a game) 2 tr to contend against (an opponent) in a sport or game Ed played Tony at chess and lost 3 to fulfil or cause to fulfil (a particular role) in a team game play (it) safe meaning: 1. to be careful and not take risks: 2.
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A safe word is a word you and your partner designate ahead of time to actually mean STOP during the play. So, maybe during use “grandma” or “giraffe” to mean “stop” while you’re acting out a Find 5 ways to say PLAY IT SAFE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. ‘The results so far show that women prefer to play it safe than to take risks with their money.’ ‘I'm the kind of person who would rather play it safe and lose out than risk everything and have a chance at winning.’ Definition of PLAY IT SAFE in the dictionary. Meaning of PLAY IT SAFE.

They also witness that they have something to gain from it, both at work and in their private life. It is very accessible, performant, scaleable and generates a quick return of … Play Safe Learning.
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Idiom: to play it safe engelska — 7 översättningar

We expect our players to play fairly and by the rules of the game at all times. The children will have to manipulate the various materials and gadgets as they play with to show their function and the team guide the children to how each item is used in everyday life. The team at PlaySafeLearning are looking forward to see how the children take to the different form of play, what they do and the ideas they come up with.

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be careful. be cautious. go easy. hedge your bets.

# safe , fear.