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Swedish Drama - Scensverige
Kollontai engages in political work, teaching in workers' schools and helping political prisoners. 1-3 March: Founding conference of Russian Social Democratic Workers' Party. August: Kollontai travels to Zurich to study political economy. Kollontai returns to St Petersburg but not to her husband. Aleksandra Michajlovna Kollontaj, in russo: Александра Михайловна Коллонтай?, nata Domontovič (San Pietroburgo, 31 marzo 1872 – Mosca, 9 marzo 1952), è stata una rivoluzionaria russa di orientamento marxista e femminista, la prima donna nella storia ad aver ricoperto l'incarico di ministra e ad aver figurato, come funzionaria di carriera e come ambasciatrice — Alexandra Kollontai. The Autobiography of a Sexually Emancipated Communist Woman (1926) Kontext: If I have attained something in this world, it was not my personal qualities that originally brought this about.
Libris 1399196 Kollontaj, Aleksandra Michajlovna; Olsson Lars (2008). Aleksandra Kollontajs dagböcker 1930–1940. Stockholm: Bonnier. Libris 10582108.
Algo viejo y de no muy buena calidad, pero el video trata de la vida y obra de Alexandra Kolontai. Protagonista de la Revolución Rusa y de la emancipación de Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai was a Marxist revolutionary, first as a member of the Mensheviks, then from 1915 on as a Bolshevik . In 1922, Kollontai was appointed a diplomatic counsellor to the Soviet legation in Norway, being soon promoted to head of the legation, one of the first women to hold such a post.
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0 Reviews. Alexandra Kollontai was a key leader of the Russian Socialist movement, the only Mar 20, 2017 Alexandra Kollontai is probably the best-known woman among women to discuss the question but, as Kollontai relates in her autobiography, In this first episode of Season Two, Kristen Ghodsee reads Part I of Alexandra Kollontai's 1926 memoir: The Autobiography of a Sexually Emancipated Women's Day that led to the end of autocracy in Russia.
Swedish Drama - Scensverige
Trotsky's autobiography stands out as the one work, written after the official discourse had been constructed, that consciously opposed this entire mode. Kollontai, Alexandra 1872–1952. Alexandra Kollontai, née Domontovich, Bolshevik feminist and diplomat, was born in St. Petersburg on March 31 (March 19, old style), 1872, the daughter of a Russian general and a half-Finnish mother.
brev i urval / Alexandra Kollontay ; övers. och komment. och med en biografisk essä av Britta Stövling. Kollontaj, Aleksandra, 1872-1952.
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She was appointed Minister for Social Welfare in the first socialist government. As such, she Alexandra Kollontai-the only woman member of the Bolshevik central committee and the USSR's first Minister of Social Welfare-is known today as a historic contributor to the international women's movement, and as one of the first Bolshevik leaders 2021-02-19 · Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (Russian: Алекса́ндра Миха́йловна Коллонта́й — née Domontovich, Домонто́вич; 31 March (O.S.
Alexandra Kollontai, Rosa Luxemburg and Emma Goldman were born almost at
Departing from Russian Marxist activist Alexandra Kollontai's texts on love and Astrida Neimanis' work with Hydrofeminism, the work Kostym: Erik Annerborn. Allrakäraste vän! brev i urval / Alexandra Kollontay ; övers. och komment.
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The Autobiography of a Sexually Emancipated Communist Woman
Tidens kvinnor by Anna Lenah Elgström NOOK Book eBook
Alexandra Kollontai, Rosa Luxemburg and Emma Goldman were born almost at Departing from Russian Marxist activist Alexandra Kollontai's texts on love and Astrida Neimanis' work with Hydrofeminism, the work Kostym: Erik Annerborn. Allrakäraste vän! brev i urval / Alexandra Kollontay ; övers. och komment. och med en biografisk essä av Britta Stövling. Kollontaj, Aleksandra, 1872-1952.
och komment. och med en biografisk essä av Britta Stövling. Förlag/År: Stockholm 39 Agneta Pleijel, ”Alexandra Kollontay, kvinnofrigörelsen och realpolitiken i Sovjet”, i William Morris was born in March, 1834 – ten years after the de-.