Top 10 restaurants in Gotland, Sweden - Things to do


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2017-07-14 · Följ med oss när vi besöker Jennie Olofsson vid glasstudion BigPink i Norrlanda, en fantastisk plats där Jennie på olika sätt visar upp det material hon brinner så starkt för - glaset. Det Feb 3, 2020 - We're thrilled to be the exclusive New York City purveyors of Jennie Olofsson's work. Olofsson is an up-and-coming glass designer and artist whose Glasstudion Big Pink is located in an 18th century barn on the Swedish island of Gotland. Bästa Glass i Gotland, Sverige: Se 208 omdömen från resenärer om de bästa Glass och sök på pris, plats med mera. Big Pack. Med barnsligt goda glassar från Big Pack är det lätt att få alla samlade vid bordet.

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“You are always close to nature on Gotland. Simply stepping outside gives me a tremendous sense of peace and calm. There are so many charming places here. At the moment, I am fascinated by a field with iron age graves.” “Made By Gotland is wonderful.

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Welcome to Restaurang Rot, set inside Big Pink glass studio, far from everything, on the eastern coast of Gotland in Sweden. The island is known as the go-to Swedish retreat and as the place where the best Swedish crops come from – even those served every year at the royal Nobel banquet in Stockholm. We first encountered Jennie Olofsson’s handblown glass at a remote hotel on Gotland in summer. The light was long, the air balmy, chef Filip Fastén and his team at Agrikultur, the restaurant in residence at Fabriken Furillen, had just produced their first artisanal gin.

Furillen – Gotlands gåva till livsnjutarna –

Add to Favorites Set of 4 Vintage Rose Big Pack. Med barnsligt goda glassar från Big Pack är det lätt att få alla samlade vid bordet. Så ha skedarna redo och bjud dina nära och kära på smarriga Big Pack-smaker som passar perfekt till vardags och kalas.

Område:  Jennie Olofsson (Glasstudion Big Pink) har blåst en "såpbubbla" i glas som jag Jennie Olsson driver glasstudion Big Pink i Norrlanda på Gotland och hon gör  Glasstudion Big Pink, Gotland. Chapel of Kovik, Gotland Gotland. Visby, Gotland. Perspektive Studio, Gotland.
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I found my place in Norrlanda, in the east part of Gotland. It was the public house of the community, a weird-looking house with a big old barn. We created Glasstudion Big Pink, a open workshop and a place for cultural and artistic meetings. Jennie Olofsson has been round the world several times, but always returns to Gotland, where her soul is deeply rooted.

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Sannas Visby - Destination Gotland

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Glasstudion Big Pink

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Vintage Style Pink Glass Champgane Glass, Party Glasses, Pink glass cups, Pink glasses, Vintage shower decor,vintage wedding,rustic wedding, 50% OFF WINTER SALE Vintage Pink Tinted Gold Big Round Spectacle Sunglasses Frame Fashion Hippie Lens Standard Transparent Glasses Sunnies WearingMeOutVtg. From shop 890 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos taken at ‘Glasstudion Big Pink’ Äta ute i Gotland, Sverige: Se Tripadvisor-resenärernas omdömen om restauranger i Gotland och sök efter kök, pris, plats och så vidare. Glasstudion Big Pink AB,559018-0740 - På hittar du , bokslut, nyckeltal, styrelse, Status Pink Glass Bell, Vintage Pink Crystal Glass Bell, Fancy Pressed Glass Bell in Pink, Pretty Pink Fairy Glass Bell, Pink Roses Glass Bell Gift HappyGalsVintage 5 out of 5 stars (608) $ 18.79. Only 1 available and it's in 1 person's cart. Add to Favorites Set of 4 Vintage Rose Big Pack. Med barnsligt goda glassar från Big Pack är det lätt att få alla samlade vid bordet.